An Overview Of What We Do At Scrapmycar
What we do
Scrapmycar is a fully licensed recycling facility located in Ballyboughal Co. Dublin. We depollute and recycle all makes and models of cars in any condition, and issue the owner with a Department of Transport Certificate of Destruction as proof of scrappage.
Scrapmycar is at the forefront in protecting the environment and the worlds resources.
All cars and vans entering our yards are stored on impermeable surfaces. The hazardous materials contained within them are taken out within 10 days and stored safely, indeed most of them are recyclable too.
We have closed drainage systems which trap every drop of water that falls on the site, and funnels it into treatment areas. Only when this process has been completed and we are certain that all oils and contaminants have been removed, is the water discharged from our site. The water is checked weekly by our agents and tested by the local authorities on a regular basis.
Our operators endeavour to separate all recyclables during the dismantling process. All goods entering and leaving the sites are weighed, quarterly reports are made to councils where End Of Life Vehicles are collected, and reports are submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency for audit on a yearly basis.